BSR to Sales Calculator

BSR to Sales Calculator


Did you know that any e-book or print book on Amazon is currently selling by looking at its listing on Amazon?

All you have to do is search for Amazon Sales Rank for any e-book or print book on Amazon and type that number down into our regular Amazon Book Sales Calculator.

How to effectively use the KDP Calculator Numbers?

Knowing the ebook and Print Book numbers is great, but knowing when to use them can really take you to the next level.
Here are some ways in which calculations can work:

Watch for Kindle Keywords

When you do your research to find effective keywords for your ebook sales page, this calculator can help you determine if keyword search results are profitable. You do not want to target any keyword phrases or categories that are not selling.

Watch Another Author’s Credibility

Sadly, we operate in a self-publishing world where many marketers make false claims. I'm sure we've all heard the saying, "Yeah, I make 6 figures with my books every month" or anything along those lines. If so, go ahead and plug in their book status number plugin and see what comes up. Although with caution, the rank number changes frequently.